Tuesday 5 July 2011

No shorts please we're Spanish.

Who says that people in Parliament aren't sexist? In Spain they are and surprisingly opposite to what you'd think. This summer Spanish MPs and other parliamentary employees got a circular on June 21 outlining dress rules for the hot weather. Women were allowed a choice of trousers or skirts (no length was mentioned so presumeably minis could be worn?) Men, however, got the full weight of  the lawbooks thrown at them. They were not to wear shorts not even Bermudas or piratas. Mind you there is precious little done in parliament during the summer (Did I hear 'or at any time?') so really the ruling will apply only to workers who don't take the whole two months off.

Like everything else in Spain an appeal was made to common sense in this respect making the ruling as effective as the 'no top' law for the summer in Barcelona. For both, short of going round with a tape measure, there is no way you can control dress in this day and age and when you try there is friction - school uniforms, wearing headscarves to name but two examples. Rumour has it however that tradition (male that is)  still forces you to wear a tie and a jacket as certain clubs and restaurants in the UK.  I wonder if  the tieless Richard Branson would be excluded from the St Andrews Clubhouse. Obviously Royal Birkdale and the posher golf clubs weren't tuned in to TV channels showing this year's Paris Fashion Week. Had they been, halfway through the Dior Collection they'd have noticed a model walked on wearing what seemed to be at first glance...nothing.Closer examination (or camera zooming) revealed it to be a glamorous body stocking. Mmm imagine playing golf or dining out in that. But then common sense would have prevailed wouldn't it?  In Spain at least!

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